How to Put the Attack Spider’s Legs Back On:
- Place the Attack Spider upside down, head facing up, to match this photo. Place a thick book or books on each side of the spider’s body. The books will hold up the legs while you work and save a lot of frustration!
- The legs are numbered, from one to eight. Look for the number on the leg itself.
- Leg one goes on the right side, bottom (‘side’ refers to our view in this photo)
- Leg two above it. Leg three above it, and finally leg four at top right.
- Leg five goes to bottom left. Leg six above it, seven above it, and finally leg eight at top left.
- Screw the plate back on. That’s it.
(NOTE: Legs three and seven are the same. Sometimes the units come with two number sevens or two number threes)